About what We do
Our mission captures our holistic approach in an emotionally sympathetic and compassionate way to:

- Assist families in need or who have found themselves in hard times
- Provide food parcels and meals
- Provide clothing and/or toiletries
- Provide cleaning materials
- Assist scholars with school uniforms and stationery
- Provide less fortunate children with toys and books so they feel inclusive and less isolated
- Offer the frail and elderly a myriad of services that they do not have the resources to accomplish on their own
- Offer outreach and emotional support for those who feel hopeless with the clear aim to reintegrate and restore confidence on the wonders of life
- Work with various schools and offer community hours in return for their student’s time, support and donations
- Assist with blankets and hearty soups during winter
- Aid those who reside in squatter camps and can barely afford a meal
The above list is not exhaustive and other circumstances are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Meet the Team
Sharon Reynolds
Gail Hume
Bianca Shimkins
Get Involved
With an ever present need for food and basic necessities we have compiled some ideas of donation packs.

Knitted Squares
Calling all students, hobbyists and avid knitters! We are always looking for donations of knitted squares. If you don’t have time to knit but have balls of wool stashed in the cupboard, please pass them on to us. It takes 30 squares to make a blanket.
- Our squares need to be 20x 20cm

Oodles of Noodles
Noodles are an easy satisfying meal/snack. They are easy to prepare even for the most impoverished of those we help. Please add an extra packet of noodles to your trolley the next time you shop.

Time for Tea
Tea, Rooibos, Coffee is sometimes the only luxury our people get.
- Tea
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Long Life Milk
- Cremora
If you would like to assist with any of the above and are not able to get to us please consider either sending with a delivery service (like Checkers 60) or giving a cash donation. No amount goes unappreciated

Frosted Cupcakes
Nothing brings a smile to a child, senior or anyone really, quite like a pretty iced cupcake. When we visit our people we often arrive with a tray of cupcakes. This instantly improves the mood and makes them feel special and cared for. The fact that someone they don’t know took the time to make them a delicious treat is very special indeed.

Let's Get Cleaned Up
It is a priority to us to assist our families with the basic hygiene products.
- Soap
- Deoderant Male & Female
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Body Lotion
- Shampoo
- Bodywash

Baby Boom!
Our babies need your support. If you have children you know that even the most fluid households need to adjust to the cost of a little one.
- Nappies (so many nappies!)
- Wipes
- Bum Cream
- Baby Cream
- Bath Products
- Powder

Full Tummies
Nutrition is so important for growing babes, we need your help.
- Formula
- Pureed Foods
- Baby Cereal
- Porridge
- Baby Snacks

Sandwich Spreads
Children struggle to concentrate if they are hungry. Help us ensure our children have something yummy in their lunch box everyday.
- Peanut Butter
- Cheese Spread
- Jam/ Syrup
- Chocolate Spread

Feed a Family
We get daily calls to assist starving families. We spring to action every time. Please help feed our families.
A family pack:
- Pasta
- Rice
- Oats
- Noodles
- Pap
- Cooking Oil
- Sugar
- Coffee
We welcome all donations!
For more information on how you can get involved or make your donation to change someone’s life contact us.