How a portion of your tax can be used to help us!
Tax Deductible Donations – Section 18A

How it Works
Donate into our bank account or drop of any food or toiletry items and provide a receipt of the value.
Receive your Section 18A Certificate
Give this Certificate to your accountant
Did you know that by making a donation to Beacon of Hope, you are not only helping us to assist children and families in need, but you are also able to benefit from your donation?
Beacon of Hope is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation and has been approved to issue Section 18A certificates in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax (Act 58 of 1962). This means that if you, as a taxpayer, or your company, make a bona fide donation in cash or in kind (material assets), this qualifies as a tax deductible expense. However, the donation cannot exceed 10% of taxable income.
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) determines a bona fide donation to be “a voluntary, gratuitous gift disposed of by the donor out of liberality or generosity, where the done is enriched and the donor impoverished. There may be no quid pro quo, no reciprocal obligations and no personal benefit for the donor. If the done gives any consideration at all it is not a donation. The donor may not impose conditions which could enable him or any connected person in relation to himself to derive some direct or indirect benefit from the application of the donation?
This means that income received for the sale of merchandise, entry fee to participate in an event or campaign, the purchase of an auction item or the sponsorship of an event do not qualify for a Section 18A.
We welcome all donations!
For more information on how you can get involved or make your donation to change someone’s life contact us.